
Spam & viruses stopped since 2003
AnteSpam's IP block is
AnteSpam is closing on June 1, 2024.

Earn Credit and Income

LOGIN ( Help Video )
Referral Credit

Use our email security service to protect your business or organization email.

If you like it, tell your friends and business or professional associates and school & church leaders. If they sign up and credit you with the referral, you will receive credit equal to 10% of their on-time payments off your AnteSpam invoices.

Channel Partner Income

Our service was designed from the beginning to protect email AND be a profitable service for our Channel Partners.

You can set your rates for our service according to your business model and customer needs. We will help your team take care of your customers and invoice you at our wholesale rates. You keep the difference.

What is my Commitment?

If you sign up and then decide to not use our service for whatever reason, you owe us nothing. All we ask is if you decide AnteSpam is not for you, let us know why so we can work to improve our service.

What all this means is you can sign up and TRY it for the rest of the month like this:

  • Change your DNS MX record to send email to (Only needed for inbound security filtering.)
  • Use it until the end of the month
  • Then BEFORE the first of the next month:
    • Reset the domain MX record to your old setting.(Only if you used inbound security filtering.)
    • Delete the domain from AnteSpam or disable the service in the AnteSpam domain settings.
and you will owe us nothing.
What To Do Next

Do you just want to reduce work time wasted on spam emails in your inbox and the risks that come with dealing with it? Click the Retail Service button below to get an Instant Quote and optionally sign up as a retail customer. There is NO obligation and you pay nothing until you set up your email domain to use it. If you like our service, recommend it to your friends, church, professional and business associates and receive referral credit when they use it as well.

Retail Service

Does your technology business support clients that could benefit from our service? Click the Channel Partner button below to become a Channel Partner and pay nothing until you set up your first email domain with addresses. AnteSpam can quickly become an income source for your company and a great service for your customers.

Channel Partner